Tuesday, July 8, 2014

So I haven't posted for a few years now.  The family is doing great and I am actively trying to help Kaitlyn pursue her dream of being a model.  She won a contest with an amazing company called,  The Model Child and she got to go to NYC for a photo shoot to be on the cover of their book.  She had an amazing time and this just ignited her excitement to be a model.  So I have started a GoFundMe account to try to raise some money to get her to NY. The agencies there loved her and she loved the city.  I will try to keep you posted on our effort to get her back to NYC to pursue her dreams. 
Now the boys are doing great.  Josh is s junior at the University of Dayton and loves it.  I can't believe the amazing young man he has become over these past few years.  I'm a very proud parent. 
My other boy is my comic relief.  He just knows how to cheer me up.  He is a sophomore in high school,  plays soccer and is busy an extraordinarily kid. I am truly blessed. 

Will write more later.  :-)